My books

The Urban Curious Guide to Europe
By Emilie K. Adin
FORTHCOMING (unpublished)
The Urban Curious Guide to Europe (working title) is a city planner’s love letter to European cities. It’s a guide to seeing cities in the way that we actually experience them: with our whole selves.
My book speaks to travellers and would-be travellers turned off by mass tourism. Meant for that ever-increasing group of people searching for authentic, genuine, thoughtful experiences during their always too short European vacations, Urban Curious will feed your craving to meaningfully connect with the cities you’re longing to know better.
Urban Curious is structured around a popular history of European cities and an exploration of key eras of urban planning. Readers visit twelve cities, each of which exemplifies a key moment in urban development — from the world’s first city to the present day, and beyond, to an imagined city of the future.